You've probably noticed that we've fallen behind on episodes. Don't worry; we haven't faded. Milton is sick. Ten days ago he had severe chest pain and had to be rushed to the hospital. Fortunately, it turned out not to be a heart attack, which is what he feared. They ran some tests, but the results won't be known until the 28th. Milton took a week off from work and moved into his parents' house while he recovered. I haven't heard from him in nearly a week, but he said that if he felt well enough, he would try to do a bit of recording with me this weekend. He also made it clear that despite this setback, he enjoys doing shows with me and fully intends to continue. And while I'm sure I would find a way to continue podcasting without him, it certainly wouldn't be the same. Therefore, I'm waiting for him to recover, so we can do the next episode together. It will be about race in Brazil. If you would like to send him a get-well e-mail, you can write to him at milton[AT]brazilianismspodcast[DOT]com.
Holy bejeebers,
Milton, get well soon (even though it appears you have).
I have been really busy lately and couldn't tune in.
Hope you're feeling better. Let us know where we can send you some soup.
Posted by: spanky | April 29, 2008 at 03:06 PM
Thanks for the well wishes. I'll pass them on to Milton (since he doesn't check the site nearly as often as he ought to).
Posted by: Kinsey | May 01, 2008 at 03:17 AM
Kinsey, this cow is indeed from the Cow Parade!
(In response to your comment on my flickr pic...)
Posted by: Bishop^ | July 25, 2008 at 11:40 AM
Thank you. I noticed it had the same kind of base. I wonder where the majority of the statues ended up after the parade passed through here, since the majority of them are clearly no longer on public display.
The blanket on the Sick Cow statue is really interesting, since it looks like a real blanket, even up close, but is actually made of (or embedded in) fiberglass.
Posted by: Kinsey | July 26, 2008 at 11:32 AM
According to the web site, typically after the exhibit time finishes, the cows are removed and auctioned, with the proceeds going to charity.
Posted by: Bishop^ | July 27, 2008 at 10:22 PM