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« VIDEO EPISODE 5: "Where are we now, Milton?" | Main | Episode 24: John of God »



Another fun episode, largely due to the humorous interaction between Kinsey and Milton. And I am only a little bit upset that you aren't including my comments! :)

By the way, "Sublevation" means an uprising, insurrection, rebellion.



Thanks. We'll be sure to tackle some of your comments in a future episode.


Lol! Poor Milton! Being chastised in front of everyone.

I'd love to hear the gender roles episode! Do it!

I am so not misguided :p but perhaps I shall mail you some trash to celebrate when you make episode 25

I shall stay away from the Portugal channel since that channel sounded like "jahgfsffjsffjl"

Wow! You really feel strongly about that list! Be careful, someone might Google me one day, and think I really crumpled it up (totally by accident, by the way, orientation in the woods in the middle of nowhere, and I think that was when I got thrown off the see-saw in the complete random playground in the middle of these woods.) But let the record show that Sherise did not crumple the paper! (Oh yes, I'm paranoid!)

Oh, by the way, I'm in Brazil now! I'm in North Salvador right now I think Stella Maris or something like that, its been very rainy and windy lately, so I'm always wearing socks and jackets.

Oh, and besides the fact that my Portuguese is ruim, it has been very fun. I have learned some of the magic words for my school "Orkut", "Ivete Sangalo", "Oxente" and "que lindo!!!!" Otherwise, I am just smiling and nodding and looking completely clueless as about 30 kids talk to...or rather scream at me all at once. Ironically, I never get it when people talk to me, but when they talk about me then I understand. Maybe when they speak TO me they are subconsciously wrecking their Portuguese...

But anywho, yup, I'm in Brazil now as of last week.

And now that you guys mentioned it, I want to go and see if there's much of a gender difference in my school. I think the girls might just be a bit more exaggerated, but I cannot truly judge since I haven't spoken to many guys yet.

Tchau :*

P.S. - Before, its completely on police, I just want to add that I took the shower and the electric showerhead did not kill me! Yay!! :)

Bruno Mesquita

Hello again, guys!

I listened to episode 23 this weekend and I am so glad that you guys took the time to talk about my comment here. I saw the video episode before and I know you guys had some trouble storing your luggage while you spent time here in Brasilia. I could have helped you out while you guys were here. It would be a pleasure. It was funny though, the "escalator/we're lost" episode! LOL

By the way, last week I saw a guy that was an exact copy of Milton in UnB (Universidade de Brasília). :D Cant wait to listen to the next episode!

@ Sherise:

I was raised in Salvador, lived there between 1985 and 1998 (when I was 17), and I know a little about there. I was also an exchange student back in 1996. Feel free to ask anything about that if you need.




Congratulations on finally making it to Brazil (and surviving the shower)!

I'm not sure I'm really qualified to do a gender roles episode. I suppose I could just recount some interesting anecdotes to Milton and see what he has to say about them.


Next time you see that clone of Milton, you should really take a picture. It would be fun to show it to Milton. It's really funny how weak his memory is. He really was upset and almost frantic in the mall, and now he doesn't even recall that there was a problem.

Bruno Mesquita


Your friendship with Milton must have afforded you real good laughs! I still laugh about the mall episode! And I agree with you, he seems to have some memory loss, just from listening to all your episodes, and I am glad he does, because I find it really amusing.

I almost talked to Milton's clone, but I thought he would think I'm some kind of weirdo or a gay stalker... lol

Kinsey, maybe your rants are even funnier than Milton's buggy memory, I don't know... :)



Between my rants and Milton's amnesia, we must be quite an entertaining pair. I wonder there rae listeners who have no interest at all in Brazil but tune in just to be entertained by me and Milton. . . Probably not.

Bruno Mesquita

Your rants and Milton's amnesia just add to the show. It's that extra little something that makes the whole difference, you know?

Keep up the good work!

Sir spankalot

twenty-four!!!! twenty-four!!!! twenty-four!!!! twenty-four!!!! twenty-four!!!! twenty-four!!!! twenty-four!!!! twenty-four!!!! twenty-four!!!! twenty-four!!!! twenty-four!!!! twenty-four!!!! twenty-four!!!! twenty-four!!!! twenty-four!!!! twenty-four!!!! twenty-four!!!! twenty-four!!!! twenty-four!!!! twenty-four!!!! twenty-four!!!!

Sir spankalot



Thank you.


I'm glad you're still with us. Dragon*Con just finished up, and I still have to drive back to Indiana before I can edit #24. I should warn you, the sound quality will suck, but it will be the last of our crackly episodes. Then I'll post the John of God episode later in the month. Sorry for the slowdown. Things should really pick up again once I get back to Brazil.

Tiago Macambira

Hi there.

I started listening this podcast by accident -- I found it in iTunes when I was in the US a couple of months ago. Since I was living a "cultural shock" myself, I found it would be interesting to see how it would be if seen from the other way around -- a "gringo" going to Brazil. Since then I've been a faithful listener.

While there are a few times when I almost want to smash my mp3 player while hearing what you guys say, it has been a pretty interesting experience nevertheless. :-) There is one thing, though, that really bothers me: that Kinsey seems to be more aware of things related to Brazil then Milton, even though the former is a 30+ years old Brazilian! Come on man, be more pro-active! Don't just "I don't know, I never though of that...". The way it is now the podcast lacks a Brazilian perspective. No offense. :-)

And, BTW, girls in Minas (and in BH really) _do_ have a distinctive accent compared to girls from other states. Just listen to one of them answering the phone: "Ow! Tá boa?! Aqui, 'x'eu falar...". Really, picture a girl from Rio, Recife, Fortaleza, Belém or São Paulo saying the same thing and you will promptly notice that girls in Minas have a distinctive higher pitch.



It's great to hear from you. I think Milton's main problem is that he doesn't prepare, even though he knows the show topics well in advance. I'm hoping to get him more involved in the future. (Wouldn't it be great if, for once, he prepared a show rather than me?)

Also, I'm thinking of eventually inviting the listeners to guest-host an occasional episode with me, to fill in for the times that Milton can't make it. I'm not ready to start doing that yet, but I'd love to someday get you on the show to talk about what things made you want to smash your mp3 player. I'm betting that would be a really interesting conversation.


is there any way you guys can talk about what jobs are in brazil ?...which pay more than others ?...and I have been looking to move to brazil I dont know any Portugese at all. But going to learn....but I am going to need a job to be able to live so Im wondering what pays the best. I know of some factories in Curitiba. Like Nissan, Audi. I am acutally wondering what places like this would pay thier workers compared to us in the United States.


From what I understand, unless your the owner you will get payed squat.

Can you work there?

What do you do?



What do I do ?....I work in an Automotive Brake Factory here in America in kentucky. I dont know what you mean by asking Can I work there. but I mean here in america thas the average pay is usually 11.00 dollars or 12.00 dollars an hour starting out and topping out at 13 or 14. some places are worse. But thas only enough to just pay your bills in america. So what im also wondering is everything pooer in brazil i assume, compared to america. so do they pay you the cost of living in enough to live ?



I think Spanky meant that you need a special visa to be able to work legally in Brazil. Just about everything is more expensive in Brazil than in the US, and people earn less than in the US. Working full-time in a factory would probably only pay minimum wage, which is currently R$415 (about US $300).


I have heard a saying from there: "Who ever works doesn't have time to make money."

Maybe you could try to be a politician, rancher or work in organized crime.



wow why is everything so expensive there than the us and people dont even get payed near enough to prolly make a living or pay anything off. I mean in the us some things are expensive but you are able to pay things off.

Bruno Mesquita


Your question is one wich I ask myself almost every day. Not everything here is more expensive than in the US. Fruits, meat and land, are probably cheaper. The major problem here are the TAXES. Very high, outrageous taxes we are forced to pay.

Just imagine you had to pay US$ 800+ for an Ipod Classic 160GB, U$ 4+ for your Pringles Chips (maybe thats the US price), US$ 35.000+ for a 1.8L Honda Civic (base model), US$ 4.80+ for a gallon of gas (in brazil there is no pure gasoline, you can buy a mix of 80% gasoline and 20% alcohol, E20 if you will)... The list goes on and on. Basically, all high tech stuff cost A LOT over here in our poor country. The only really cheap things are fruits, meat and low value stuff in general.


We'll definitely be doing a Brazilian economy episode sometime in the near future, which will address most of this.


Promises, promises.




Yes, but now that I'm back in Brazil with better audio equipment, I'm very optimistic about future episodes. Milton's coming over next Sunday to record.

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