Milton and I talk about Belo Horizonte, the city where we live.
Belo Horizonte -- Wikipedia entry
Promotional Video -- YouTube
Central Market Homepage -- in Portuguese
Central Market Photos -- Flickr
Hippie Fair Photos -- Flickr
Mangabeiras Park -- official site
Mangabeiras Park Photos -- Flickr
Rua do Amendoim Video -- video demonstrating the road that appears to defy gravity
Milton and Kinsey's Favorite Restaurants:
Almanaque -- restaurant
Couve & Flor -- restaurant
Pizzarella -- pizzeria
Maharaj -- Indian restaurant
Adega do Sul -- meat restaurant
Baby Beef -- meat restaurant
Oscar Niemeyer Architecture:
Pampulha Project -- section of a Wikipedia article about the architecture of Oscar Niemeyer around Pampulha lake
São Francisco Church Photos -- Flickr
Dance Hall Photos -- Flickr
Casino Photos -- Flickr
Apartment Building -- Flickr
Obelisk Photos -- Flickr
Abílio Barreto Museum -- official site
Força Expedicionária Brasileira Museum -- official site
Mineralogy Museum -- non-official site
OO i am soo glad to see this, i havnt listend yet but i going to and cant wait lol.
Posted by: Chris | July 04, 2009 at 09:51 PM
Yeah I think football should be a subject on this podcast hahaha. Brasilian Football is very very different than other types of Football like the English style, the Italian style, German style and etc etc.. You guys also forgot to mention there is 2 clubs in Belo Horizonte that people can go watch if they like to watch football. and by the way... the USA came close to beating Brasil in the confedrations cup lol. I think Brasil national team is in trouble come next year in the world cup. but anyhow.. Belo Horizonte seems like a very very nice place to visit. espically compared to Rio De Janerio....Belo Horzonite seems like a place where normal and relaxed people live and Rio De Janeiro sounds like a place where wild and crazy people live. Thats just my opinon hahaha..not that it may be like just seems this way to me.
Posted by: Chris | July 05, 2009 at 04:57 PM
Chris, yeah Rio is really more of a big cosmopolitan party city. Belo Horizonte never became much of a tourist destination. The only tourists who come through here usually only stay here on their way to visit the nearby historical cities. This is more of a place where people just live, even though there is much to see and do.
I wasn't aware that soccer is so different from country to country. The World Cup must have a heck of a time getting teams from various countries to agree on common standardized rules. I keep pushing Milton to organize an episode about soccer (since I know virtually nothing about it), but he still hasn't gotten around to it.
Posted by: Kinsey | July 05, 2009 at 05:23 PM
No No i wasnt meaning about the rules...i was talking about the style of play...Brasilians tend to play with the ball like do tricks and etc and attack thier goal. the really grinding and constant attacking from each teams, and its phyiscal it seems like. lets say this...if you watch Botafogo play Cruzeiro and then you watch Manchester Untied play Liverpool from will be able to tell the different styles of play. They all go by the same rules...but hahah you will see bad calls that make you wonder if one ref is for the other team or something..
Posted by: Chris | July 05, 2009 at 05:40 PM
Ooo I also forgot to say you also are making me want to visit Belo Horizonte if i decide to come to brasil...I understand what your saying about the differences in Rio and Belo...Which is nice because maybe tourist will come to Belo more from hearing this podcast. I now understand what miltion means about the cariocas and thier attitudes. What people i have talked to they are rude about what they say...dont respect other peoples thoughts or anything. This really has turned me off from visit Rio de Janeiro...and considering Belo or somewheres else.
Posted by: Chris | July 05, 2009 at 05:44 PM
Chris, that's interesting. It must be fun to watch the World Cup and see all those strategies confronting one another.
Belo Horizonte is a very interesting place to visit, since it's kind of a cultural and economic cross-section of the country. (Although beach culture doesn't get represented here.)
Posted by: Kinsey | July 06, 2009 at 01:42 PM
Yeah get a chance in 2014 lol...i believe belo horizonte is on the list of one of the host cities of the tournament lol.
Posted by: Chris | July 06, 2009 at 10:29 PM
Maybe I'll watch it on TV. I don't think I'll ever be a soccer fan. :)
Posted by: Kinsey | July 07, 2009 at 03:29 AM
I remember in one of your previous podcasts kinsey mentioning that He doesnt like first world countries. What is it that you dont like the most?
Posted by: Nathan | July 07, 2009 at 08:51 AM
Nathan, well, I guess I should have explained that better. It's not so much that I don't like first world countries as that I much prefer visiting and spending time in less developed countries. The first world is kind of insulated and doesn't really directly experience the problems in the world. I always feel like I'm in a bubble when I go to Europe or the US (although the US is a lot less insulated than it used to be). When I'm in the third world, I always feel like my experiences are a lot more authentic.
I don't really dislike the first world. The food there is more varied, and it's definitely safer and a better place to raise small children.
Posted by: Kinsey | July 07, 2009 at 05:33 PM
Kinsey, even if you was a fan im not so sure going to a game in brasil may be safe lol. Ive heard all kinds of things about going to games like fights, catching busses on fire and crazy stuff like this. This makes me wonder how well security will be in Brasil come 2014 at the world cup to be honest with you. People were talking about how South Africa is getting bad because of the muggings and robbings going on. They had a rugby match going on at the same time the Confedrations cup was going on in South Africa last month and England i think was playing South Africa and they said these two people that came from England got mugged just not to long after they got out of the airport. Im not sure where this was it was Johanasburg. So you would prolly be safe to stay at the house and watch on tv lol hahaha.
Posted by: Chris | July 08, 2009 at 12:50 AM
Belo Horizonte sounds like an interesting place. I may have to check it out when I get down there.
As for the difference in soccer styles, I think the European teams are more technical, whereas the Brazilian team is more artistic. While other teams appear to be just going through the motions and doing the best they can, the Brazilians appear to be having fun. It seems to work for them. I may have to go to Brazil again in 2014 to see a game in person.
Posted by: Mark | July 08, 2009 at 01:01 PM
I think the Brasilian team should enjoy the fun as of now. Because I think thier days are over for being a good team, at least its coming soon I think...They are sitting on the number one spot in the world as the best team in the world. But if anybody had seen the way they played in South Africa and the FIFA Confedrations Cup...they would think they are far from being a dominate team and a team that will be winning the world cup next year. They have gotten a little lazy, less attacking and more counter attacking...the lazy part being the worse. The USA played them in the Finals of the FIFA Confedrations Cup and the only time they attacked was the whole second half because I believe we were wore out and tired. before half time the USA team had dominated the whole first half. If you was a fan of Brasil you would never thought this would happen. We went up 2-0 and they didnt even know what was going on. I dont think it was a matter of Dunga speaking to them and getting them fired up. I think it was a matter of us coming back out for the second half and being so tired from attacking the whole first half and trying so hard to score and make it be known that they were going to have a hard game that we wore ourselves out. They played Egypt in thier first game of this tournament. When i saw this game I couldnt believe my eyes. for anybody that seen this I dont even have to explain myself. First Half Brasil had them up 2-0 i think....second half they got lazy and slacked off and egypt came out and just dominated the second half and beat the crap out of Brasil. at one point Egypt scored went back to the starting point and Egypt stole the ball from brasil and went back down there and scored again in a matter of a minute. if your brasilian and watching this....this has to be worse than seeing the USA go up 2-0 lol. So I think the Brasilians have made thier mark in the history of football but every champion goes down sooner or later. There is going to be a team out there that isnt going to let them come back and win a game like they did in the FIFA Confedrations Cup. Who knows it might be the good ole USA !!!!! USA!!!! USA!!!! lol. Sorry for showing my national pride. but anywho. I just wonder what Brasilians are acutally thinking of the Brasilian team right now ?...
Posted by: Chris | July 09, 2009 at 02:39 AM
Mark, that's interesting. I can definitely imagine Brazilians having fun while playing soccer.
Chris, I think it's still pretty safe to go to big soccer games here in Belo Horizonte. At least I've never heard of problems. Of course, once the World Cup arrives, all bets are off.
I should ask Milton what he thinks of the Brazilian team. (Sorry I don't have more to say in response to your long and well-thought-out comment, but I'm just not a soccer fan.) :)
Posted by: Kinsey | July 09, 2009 at 03:30 AM
Yeah I would also say all bets are off when the world cup arrives. International team play is just hard for people to not get wild, crazy and cheer for thier country you know...national pride thing....I almost hate watching International team play because it gets me to damn fired up. Becuase Im sure when you go to a game all it would take is for somebody to mouth off to somebody and piss somebody off you know and there you go you have a fight hahaha. So, I dunno...but its nice when its kept clean and everybody likes each other lol.
Posted by: Chris | July 09, 2009 at 06:22 PM
OO yeah Im just want it to be known Im not being a hater lol, so I dont want nobody flameing my ass or anything hahaha. Im just talkin football and i acutally like the brasilian team they bring quite alot of joy to the pitch and many brasilians play in europe and make a living doing it, I guess im just critizing thier style of play and the way they are playing and i expected better lol. and yeah i wish milton had time to get on here and talk about this. I would acutally like to speak football with him. But i know he is busy so we have deal with it hahaha.
O yeah I just want to tell people on here that if you dont want to stay in a hotel and you would like to have a host if you go to brasil there is a website where you can find a host. It looks pretty safe and they have people that has been a reference to them and it does adress verfication and etc etc but if anybody wants to check it out the website is
Posted by: Chris | July 09, 2009 at 06:50 PM
That looks like a good site recommendation. I remember a few years back hearing about a similar site that allowed families to exchange houses for overseas vacation. A family in Brazil could connect with a US family, and they could swap houses to vacation in each other's country. (I have no idea where that site is or even if it still exists.)
Posted by: Kinsey | July 13, 2009 at 12:49 AM
Aha! I'm not as crazy as that old woman on the corner thinks I am.
I noticed the lightning/thunder thing right away, and no one ever had any idea what I was talking about. I have noticed in several ways how physics just don't apply to Brazil.
Spanky the Great
Posted by: spankyThe Great | July 20, 2009 at 02:41 PM
Spanky, and the funny thing is that Brazilians tend to be very fearful of thunderstorms, which seems strange to me. After all, they don't even make noise.
Posted by: Kinsey | July 22, 2009 at 01:30 AM
I think you are not quite right and you should still studying the matter.
Posted by: Music_master | September 25, 2010 at 08:53 PM
cara eu tenho um marea 2.4 e vcs sao mecanicos to com uma diudva qual filtro esportivo coloco o grande o o tamanhho normal..tem alguma diferene7a na filtragem de ar e no ronco por causa do tamanho ou nao???espero respostas..abrae7os P.S eu moro em bh no bairro ouro preto e,outro dia passei na porta de sua oficina e ta de parabens..ela fica na dom pedro II..
Posted by: Alfhyroes | August 14, 2012 at 12:43 PM