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« Episode 57: Milton is Unhelpful | Main | Episode 59: That Darned Parrot »



This was an awesome episode just like all of your episodes. In this episode not only that I learned more about Brazil but I learned many things about US. And thank you for promoting Eloá, she is a great singer and now you will hear of her :)


I was afraid my cable guy joke would be missunderstood. Here is my explanation.

I made the joke becasue during that time Milton would not show up on time, or could not give an exact time that he would show-up to record the podcast. Like cable guys in the US, where they will let you know they will be there between 12pm and 5pm..... , probably not as funny as I thought :)

I think the name of the food she (I thought was a guy as well) was eating is “escondidinho” which is kind of a shepherd’s pie (or Madalena) but with mandioca and carne seca. They also have a “coxinha style” version of this.


Mike, thank you.

Rafael, thanks for clarifying that. In Brazil everyone shows up between 6am and 6 pm (slight exaggeration). This includes plumbers, electricians, painters, and cable guys. That's probably why we didn't get the joke.

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