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Kinsey, you really have to get over your cheddar cheese obsession, lol.

Hopefully there will be no Mexicans listening to you guys talking about putting cheddar cheese and sour cream on tacos.

Here in Rio there is always Brown rice on the "por kilo" restaurants, actually I had some today (with beans!! lol).


Great episode!
Firstly and the main thing I liked about the episode was the tips on how to convince my mother to understand that my movement to Brazil will be for my best and that in general will be alright.
I listened to the episode two times and both times when you said that in Brazil McDonalds is a status symbol and that in US homeless people go to McDonalds, I burst into laughter. :))
Here also people by Halls as a candy but not all of them, some do use it as a cough medicine.
Procuração here is called "Procură" and we often use them here to be able to make someone represent us, even a non lawyer without us being there.
I wish that those headhunters would come here also, in Romania. And Brandon, can you give us their business cards, by taking a photo of the cards or scan them?
Brandon, when you will move to Pirassununga, go south towards Leme, then Araras, then you will see Cordeirópolis. Go there and say Hi to my best friend in Brazil, she was also presented on an episode of Brazilianisms. :D
Thank you for the episode!! I am waiting anxiously for the next one. Take care!


Rafael, that's good. Perhaps brown rice is finally starting to make inroads in Brazil.

Mike, thank you. It's interesting to hear that some Romanians consider Halls to be candy. I wonder if that's common outside the US.


Thank you for the positive feedback, Mike. I do like to feel that I'm contributing and helping others with things. I dont want to find myself as just "filler". If given the chance I will travel to Cordeiropolis. Again, I'm glad you like the episode!

The part about convincing mothers............I think its just going in and explaining with open honesty and telling them that you dont expect everything to be perfect or better. But.......your hope is to make it better for you.



I have scanned the cards. I dont see a way to attach them here so I will put the picture on the Brasilianisms Facebook page. The top card is for the main "headhunter" and the bottom is a very important man as well.

I hope you can make use of these.



Thank you so much for the cards! I will surely make use of them. :) And I hope I will be successful in convincing my mother about going to Brazil. I feel that convincing her of going there will be a greater challenge than actually going to Brazil. :P Take care, have a wonderful time in Brazil and I hope to hear you soon on the podcast. Your contribution on the podcast and on the Facebook page ids great and I thank you again for that. Tchau!


The CPF card is being discontinued. I recently helped two people get CPFs. It took a total of an hour to do. About ten minutes at the post office and then 50 minutes (40 minutes waiting, 10 minutes with agent) at the secretaria da fazenda. They are moving to a single ID card and the CPF will be a part of that.

Having a CPF won't help you get a bank account. You will still need a Permenant VISA to get that to happen.

You can get Tacos at Verde Mar. They are insanely expensive.

Head hunters here work differently than in the US (normally). Usually they charge you 2-3 thousand reais up front, and your first two or three months salary from your new job once they find you one.

I doubt the CPA comparison is true but at most it is an extreme exception. A civil engineer isn't going to be making any more than their US counter parts. If you are a deep sea under water welder you will probably make quite a bit.

The thing most don't pick up on job wise is that, yes there is always work but not always money.


Spank-o-matic, I guess that means that now it's just the CPF number which is important, which is probably an improvement. (I'm going to put my old CPF card in a safe place, since it's sure to become a collector's item.)

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