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Cellski Fulano

I think the word you were looking for is vestibule or foyer.

Interesting episode


A very nice episode! I liked every bit of it, lots of new knowledge, and Lore and Monique are really great! I wish to them the best!
I want also to be able to have a relationship there, hopefully something will happen in this sense.
I have a questions, do Brazilians only eat rice and beans? :) Fortunately it is not a problem for me because I love food with rice and beans in it.
Have a beautiful life together and please, come again!

Loren Gifford

Ola, this is Loren and thank you for your kind words! Good luck and best wishes to you too! No, Brazilians do not only eat rice and beans. Brazilians have an amazingly varied diet. Rice and beans do play a central part in many Brazilian's diets though. No Brasil você tem a escolha de tantas comidas deliciosas ... você não vai saber por onde começar!

Boa sorte e saúde para você!


Loren Gifford

Thank you, Cellski Fulano! You are quite right!

It is amazing to see things from another perspective! My wife and I teach each other always! Thanks for listening...

Best Wishes!



Yes, it's true that Brazilians don't *only* eat rice and beans, but they do *always* eat rice and beans, especially for lunch. In face, in all my years in Brazil, I have only once encountered a Brazilian lunch that did not include rice and beans.

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