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Firstly I want to thank Rafucko for the view inside Brazil's politics, the real politics that only Brazilians see.
I was struck after hearing about all of the injustice, corruption, lie and discrimination. I knew that Brazil had problems, but I still was stunned in hearing all this. Before I transform this comment into a totally negative one I want to say that I love Brazil and all this can change, there should be politicians that see all this negative things and they need to have the heart and brains to want to make a change and really do it until the end.
I want to add that here in Romania the benefits of some politicians are enough to buy part of Disneyland, not just visit it.
Rafucko, I loved the video you posted on YouTube, keep up the good work and know that things will get better for the people that live all their life just by sweeping the streets, for the indians, for the poor people all over Brazil. There are out there, people that can make a change, they just need the power to surpass the corrupt politicians and to make themselves heard by the people that truly suffer in a beautiful country governed by "ugly" people.
Hopefully I gave a positive spin on this comment, and I really do think that things will change in a good way. Brazil is great, is a wonderful country, it has so much potential, and all the people good or bad should realize that by making Brazil much better, they will all be able to live a better life.


Mike, I'm glad you liked the episode. (Is there an episode you didn't like?) If the Romanian politicians decide to buy part of Disneyland, I hope it's Tomorrowland. That is my least favorite part of the park.

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