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+1 :-)


Another enjoyable episode. Glad to see you're still making them, Kinsey! It's always interesting to hear someone's take on the cultural differences. Any chance of hearing Simone's thoughts on the US trip?


Thank you. Eventually, I'll put out a video of highlights from our trip which will have some comments from Simone.


Good to know you are still alive....

Very good episode. I thought it was really funny when she mentioned having peas and corn on her "X-Salada", my wife is from Joinville and I never understood why they do that over there, I think is a Santa Catarina thing.

Mihai Ciulea

First I want to thank you Kinsey for the episode and I want to tell Kacie that she should go again in Brazil.
After all, life is short, Brazil is a big country and it is full of great people, great experiences and I am
pretty sure that you will have a lot of fun there.
Unfortunately I have to confess that I did not listen to all the episodes, but I can say that I have listened
to most of them. I have to applaud Kacie for this achievement and her cultural obsession is also shared by me.
Maybe one day we will have a meeting with all the Brazilianisms guests, after I will also be a guest on the
podcast. :) Again I found many important things that will prepare me for my trip to Brazil. Some or good, some
are not but I would just have to get used to all of them.
I wish to Kacie good luck in everything she does and to enjoy life in Brazil or US or wherever life will send her.
And thank you Kinsey again for another special episode!


Rafael, thank you. Yes, I wasn't sure if that was a regional thing or if I was just out of touch with regard to Brazilian burgers. :)

Mihai, thank you. I'm glad the podcast continues being useful to you. I'm not sure about the logistics of a meeting of all the Brazilianisms guests. A lot of them are no longer in touch. It would be cool, though.


Hey there, Kinsey. I'm brazilian and very recently started to listen to your podcast. It's been a very nice experience, since i'm very interested in cultural differences, different opinions, and how the persons from other places see Brazil and all the aspects of the country. Hope you keep the show running! (and sorry for the rusty and clumsy english!)


Welcome, to the show, Odemilson!

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