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So, did you get the picture of the plane reflection you were hoping to get? Or did you at least figure out why the planes sounded so quiet?

(Yeah, so, admittedly, after a whole month, I figured that maybe if I comment then you will have more incentive to make new podcast content. Still, I really am curious about those questions above.)


I did get a few shots of planes in the air from my hotel window but no reflections. I would have had to have been outside at just the right moment to get that shot. It would have been spectacular, though.

I assume that modern planes are just a lot quieter. Various airplanes from different countries flew by at all hours of the day and night at a variety of angles, and none of them were loud enough to affect anyone's quality of life in the area.

Yes, I really should get podcasting. I really don't know why I go through these unproductive phases. I'm working on it, though. Thanks for the encouragement.

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