This is an adjunct to my main podcast. Here I will post short segments that may (or may not) be included in future episodes of Tvindy Time. Sound Scribbles is a sort of audio scratchpad where I chuck everything I'm thinking of using with little thought to quality control.
Yes, I can see why this might be confusing. Basically, I was experimenting to see if I had the capability to produce a video episode, add it to my feed, and do it in the right format so it could be played on a video iPod. The video itself was just something I whipped up on the spur of the moment for the experiment. Having said that, the result was better than expected, and I'm thinking there may actually be a future for Hello Kitty video theatre.
I can safely say that this is your best video scribble to date.
That said, I'm a little confused. But entertained all the same.
Posted by: Will | November 24, 2006 at 09:44 PM
Yes, I can see why this might be confusing. Basically, I was experimenting to see if I had the capability to produce a video episode, add it to my feed, and do it in the right format so it could be played on a video iPod. The video itself was just something I whipped up on the spur of the moment for the experiment. Having said that, the result was better than expected, and I'm thinking there may actually be a future for Hello Kitty video theatre.
Posted by: tvindy | November 24, 2006 at 10:33 PM
Disturbing.... but oddly entertaining.
Posted by: Tabz | January 04, 2007 at 11:43 PM
Hmmm, perhaps a sequel is in order.
Posted by: tvindy | January 25, 2007 at 01:01 AM