I came across a post at Who Knew? which begins:Amina Lawal, the Nigerian woman sentenced to death by stoning for the crime of adultery, is scheduled to have her final fate decided next week. It seems there’s been open protest in Nigeria and in South Africa, which is certainly heartening. I remembered that big letter and email writing campaign last year and so I looked through the Amnesty International website . . . I ultimately found an Amnesty site devoted to Lawal and her plight, but the campaign was inactive, for reasons that struck me as unclear.
I hadn't heard of this case before, and it appears that Amnesty International has dropped the ball on it. Most reasonable people should easily be able to find something in it to object to, whether it be capital punishment, stoning as a means of execution, adultery as a punishable offense, laws that discriminate against women, or the execution of a mother caring for small children.
Since I doubt that I'm alone in not having heard about this until now, and since Mrs. Lawal's fate will be decided this week, the least I can do is devote today's post to getting the word out. For more information, including links to news stories and the Amina Lawal Campaign website, go to the original post at Who Knew?. Additional up-to-date newstories may be found here.