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Amina Lawal has been exonerated, although the prosecution has 30 days to appeal.
In a surprise twist, KaZaa sues the RIAA for copyright infringement.
It looks as though I may not get to see Tom Green's visit to Muncie after all.
By sheer coincidence, yesterday's post on the neon lights of Muncie was published on the birthday of Georges Claude -- the man who invented the neon light.
A student got an A on this paper he wrote about The Physics of Hell. (I would have given him a B+.)
Here is yet another (and quite unexpected) way that cellphones have been shown to be harmful. (from Noded)
They look so innocent in the picture. It just goes to show -- with fish, you never can tell.
Geniuses discuss the discovery of the possible new ape species found in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Capuchin monkeys demand equal treatment.
I'm ashamed to admit that I have never heard anything by Radiohead. Nevertheless, this experiment and its results struck me as intriguing, although perhaps all it demonstrates is that 5th graders hate Radiohead. (from Eightlinks & gauldy)
In two unrelated stories, professional morons show that they should not be allowed anywhere around bears. It's bad enough being shot and killed for no reason other than trying to hibernate in someone's basement, but when park rangers start bouncing them off of trampolines, well, that is just going too far. (from Bill)