I've been at this for a little over six weeks now, and remarkably I've managed to post something every day. A routine is starting to emerge. Here is the current schedule as it now stands.
Monday -- Old Pics
This is something I just started this week with the baboon photo. (Yes, I know; I posted it on the wrong day.) Every Monday I'll put up an older photo that I think people may find interesting. Most will be ones that I myself have taken, but there will be some exceptions. All will be original (never before published), and they will all be connected with me in some way.
Tuesday -- My Old Writings
Usually I put up an old college paper that someone somewhere might find moderately entertaining, or even useful. I personally believe that everyone should be doing this. Preserving information and getting it into the public domain is very important. (I may post an entry about this in the coming days.)
Wednesday -- Pic of the Week
I try to take at least 100 photos every week. Out of those, I select one and post it. In other words, I only put up the top 1% of everything I take, so if you don't like the pictures, you'd probably be horrified by the ones that aren't posted.
Thursday -- Links
Throughout the week I save links to whatever I come across on the web that seems interesting or amusing. Then I post them all on Thursday. This way I can post a large number of them at once, rather than cluttering up the site with a bunch of little entries. (If I have too much time on my hands, I may even organize them by topic.)
Friday, Saturday and Sunday are open. In other words, I just post whatever I'm in the mood to put up.
That's pretty much how things stand now. I know this wasn't one of my more interesting entries, but it helped me to pull my thoughts together.
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