Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Everyone!
Updates to Previous Posts
Update to Japan: mg has another interesting link about Japanese culture. Check out the Japan SAQ, where you will learn more than you ever wanted to know about Japan.If you like the creepier aspects of Japanese culture, be sure to check out the links in this entry from caffeineslinger. (The Sabrina link is truly odd.)
Update to Cool Rabbit Sites: Look what happens when rabbit breeders run amok. (from Zannah)
Cool Stuff
Now you can play Pacman in Excel. (from memepool)Remember the Star Wars Kid? Well, I think he's finally been outdone. (from ericmilford)
See that you are always respectful to women. Otherwise, the Menstrual Avenger will get you. (from Platinum-Dollars)
Everyone knows that Wal-Mart is evil and that it screws its employees, the economy (both in the US and abroad), and its competition. But did you know it even screws its suppliers? (from bill)
It takes an incredible level of stupidity to outsmart the police. (from stupidangrycanajun)
An entire Arizona town is currently up for auction on eBay. This also came up when I performed a search for it. Which would you rather own?
And since this is Christmas, it would probably be a good time for me to plug my father's page, entitled The Origin of Christmas Myth and Customs.