Yesterday I went to see Fahrenheit 9/11. It was pretty good. The fact that Moore actually managed to get it released before the next presidential election makes me hopeful that there is still a chance Bush won't be re-elected. The detractors seem to feel that it's just propoganda, but I see it as anti-propaganda. We already know the position of the Bush administration, but the mainstream media always seems to gloss over the really negative stuff.
What really made me happy was the scenes in Iraq. This is the first time, since the very beginning of our attacks on Iraq in 1990, that we have gotten to see a glimpse of the devastation. Thousands of innocent civilians have been killed there by us, and yet we never get to see the casualties. Whether or not their deaths are justified, it's reprehensible that they are never considered newsworthy. That by itself could have been a movie.
One interesting development since the movie came out is that it looks as though there is now a distinct possibility that Saddam was not responsible for gassing the Kurds and that the CIA has known this all along. (Also, Bush wants to force schoolchildren to take prescription drugs.)
Besides the movie, one other development makes me hopeful that Bush's career is at an end. It is this t-shirt. I mean, honestly, how many people in their right minds would vote for a candidate whose supporters basically admit that they are evil and have the t-shirt to prove it?