Lately it seems I've had no shortage of blogging material. One very exciting development in my life is the birthday present my parents are sending me. (I'll be blogging about that later.) Even better news is the fact that michael is alive and blogging. But tonight I want to interrupt my regularly scheduled mediocre blogging (not that Michael is in any way mediocre), so I can be one of the first to talk about this, which I learned about from Receptionista.
Here's the gist of it. Thousands of years ago there were these teeny-tiny three-foot-high people who lived on an island. They were very smart, since they made tools and apparently some kind of boat to get out there in the first place. They lived in a magical world that they shared with tiny elephants and giant rats and fearsome komodo dragons. (Can you imagine being that tiny and sharing and island with these guys?) And then one day a volcano erupted, and they all died. (Well, at least we assume they all died.)
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