I received some interesting feedback to yesterday's post, so I'll use today's entry to respond to it and talk some more about the book. (That subject never gets old, right?)
First of all, Alicia e-mailed me some selections from her blog, and I thought I would post them here, so people can offer feedback on them or suggest other entries by her. The first one is her preferred choice:
- in the third place
- World AIDS Day, a day late
- you say it's your birthday
- pensiveness
- I'm mad too, Eddie
Schmed made some suggestions for entries from my blog. Most of them were centered on photos, so I don't think they would work well in the book. (Although it might be interesting to someday publish a similar book that featured photographic entries.) I'm also a bit nervous about publishing the John Edwards post, since the word "fucktards" would appear in the title completely divorced from its proper context. But he did like the Cherry Coke post, which I had long ago forgotten, and Jason seconded it. So I guess that's one for the book.
There was also some discussion on how the book was to be organized. Will properly remembered the format that I had outlined previously, but I'll take this opportunity to describe it in more depth. Remember, none of this is set in stone, so if anyone disagrees with my ideas or has additional suggestions, please feel free to speak up.
The Title: I'm still working on this, so please feel free to make suggestions. I'm thinking something along the lines of this: "Gems from Blogdom: a compendium of outstanding writing by people who blog"
The Cover: Several of the entries have images associated with them (Chunderpuss, the accidental pie, Angry Sugar Bowl, etc.). These will be arranged over the front and back covers with no explanation. As people read the book, they will start recognizing what each one is. The title will be on the front, and a brief explanation of the book will be on the back. "Volume I" will also be printed somewhere, since the hope is that we put out one of these puppies every year for the next century or two.
The Sequence: The entries will be arranged in a random-like order. In other words, there won't be any pattern, such as by author, theme or date. At the same time, it won't be completely random. Care will be taken to keep each entry from immediately following posts by the same author. Also, very long posts will be kept separate as will any entries with similar themes or moods. I'm thinking of starting with The Legend of Chunderpuss for two reasons. First, anyone who reads that will definitely be enticed into checking out more entries. And second, it begins with "It was a dark and stormy night..." (Isn't that a great opening line for the book?)
The Format: Each post will start at the top of a fresh page with the title in bold. Paragraphs will be distinguished by indenting (as is normal in books) rather than by spacing between them (standard for blogs). At the end of the entry will be the author's name or pseudonym and the date that the post was originally composed. There will be no URLs in this section.
About the Authors: At the end of the book will be an "About the Authors" section. Each contributor will be asked to submit a paragraph written in the third person stating anything they feel is relevant (or entertaining) to the readers about themselves and their blog. This is where the blogs' main URLs will be printed.
Introduction: This is where I blather on endlessly about the purpose and significance of our great œuvre.
Table of Contents: This is pretty straightforward. There will be an ordered list at the beginning of the book listing each title and the page on which the entry begins. There will also be a secondary table of contents (after the first) listing the posts by author.
Sometime in January (probably not the beginning), I'll submit the material for publication. It will be published at cost to make it as affordable as possible. (This means there will be no profits.) I have been thinking, though, that we may want to add a dollar to the price if people actually start buying it. That way we can finance the next volume. That's something we can think about later.
If we do this again next year, I'd like to have some of this year's contributors volunteer to work together as a committee to help find, suggest and select entries. That would save me a lot of work and make the process more democratic.
Tomorrow I will make a point of writing about something (anything) completely unrelated to the book project.
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