Will has just added an RSS feed to his site, which makes me very happy as his was one of a very few on my blogroll that didn't have one. With an aggregator, I can tell in a glance who has updated their blog since my last visit, so I don't have to constantly go to their site to check for new material. (If you are interested in RSS, I suggest you try out My Yahoo, which is also the only truly useful portal site out there.) Will has also added trackback capability, so with this post, I am now the first blogger to send him a trackback ping. (My first trackback came from Mulubinba Moments way back in 2003.)
In other news, I have officially been hired to teach Portuguese at the Yamada Language Center here at U of O. This is quite an honor, since their policy is to only hire native speakers as instructors, and they rarely make exceptions. I'm very excited to be getting back into teaching. This is the first time that I've had nearly complete freedom and control over the curriculum, so I'm hoping that it will be an opportunity for me to make a real contribution.