Today they released the trailer for Joss Whedon's new Firefly movie. It looks pretty good. Who knows? Maybe they'll even base a series on it. (Thanks to Will for the trailer info.)
One thing that never gets old is when someone comes across a food item that vaguely resembles something and sells it on eBay.
They're redoing the micronauts. Personally I prefer the old ones. The only improvement needed is increased durability. (The old ones always broke within the first ten minutes after removing them from the packaging.)
Patrick Norton must be one of the most talented bloggers in the world. He started a blog last month, posted a single entry, and now has over 564 comments. I wish I could blog like that.
Never ever heat your lava lamp on a stove.
And for today's game, how many times in a row can you Guess-the-Google? (from Mike)