Every year University Housing has an online competition called the Room Race in which students sign up for a place in line to select their rooms in the dorms for the coming year. The earlier you sign up, the lower your number. Last year I was 17, which was quite an accomplishment, considering hundreds, if not thousands, of students sign up for numbers. This year, having learned a few tricks from last year, I did even better. I made it to number three! Even more exciting, when I showed up to register for my room, I learned that numbers one and two did not actually exist. (I think they are decoys to prevent fraud.) This meant that I was, in reality, number one in line. I got to stand in front of all the other students and was even issued a prize of my choice. (I took a t-shirt.) So now it's official; next year I'll be in the same room, and the bird will have no trouble finding me.