Like most people, I've been following the news on the destruction wrought by Hurricane Katrina. I thought I'd share some of the more interesting material I've come across online. (Most of it deals with New Orleans, but I'm well aware that that was not the only affected area.)
Making Light has an interesting entry pointing out how the media tends to portray black people foraging for supplies as looters while whites are not. Yahoo! has since removed the offending photos, but you can view them here.
I really don't understand all the fuss about looting. If people who are poor to begin with lose their homes and possessions to flooding have to forage for food and bottled water in nearby stores, I think they are entitled, especially the people who have not yet received any aid. Bush's zero tolerance remark was reprehensible. While starving families try to feed themselves, New Orleans' finest forage for DVDs.
In October 2001 Drowning New Orleans appeared in Scientific American, warning that "New Orleans is a disaster waiting to happen" and "Scientists at LSU . . . predict that more than 100,000 people could die."
Bush had other priorities. Here is the chronology.
A lot of people have pointed out that all the buses and rental cars, now partly submerged, could have been used to evacuate scores of people from the city, in the process also saving the vehicles themselves.
The Washington Post has a very interesting account of what conditions are like in the Superdome. It really boggles the mind that people staying behind in New Orleans were sent there, yet they can't even bring in adequate water for them. Isn't the purpose of getting everyone together into a central location to make it possible to care for them en masse? Couldn't they use helicopters to fly in tanks of water (as well as food and medicine)? has set up Hurricane Housing, allowing people within 300 miles of the area affected by Hurricane Katrina to offer temporary housing to those who have been displaced from their homes. Sounds like a great idea.
The Interdictor is a blog and video feed being maintained and updated in New Orleans. I haven't actually been following it. (I skimmed it a bit and then stopped reading when I came to the entry that referred to looters as "monkeys".)
Another New Orleans blog has as its most recent entry an account of how the blogger was trying to leave the city before the hurricane hit but could not, because "All car rentals, airlines, bus lines and the train station are now closed until further notice. . . . It's only after they are all closed that the Mayor orders evacuation -- then he orders incoming roads closed so no one can come get me out." I hope she's okay.
And of course there's schmed, who is one of the the oldest additions to my blogroll. Thankfully, he and his family are all okay, as is their home.
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