Everyone knows the future is in online apps. Yesterday I was listening to the This Week in Tech podcast in which Leo and Amber interviewed the creator of a free service called Protopage. According to them it's the most effective implementation of Ajax so far. I've been using My Yahoo! as a portal since 1999, because nothing else was ever as good. But I think Protopage may have it beat. It's certainly easier to change around and is much more flexible. I could even see using it as a blogging service. If you go here, you can see the personal portal I whipped up for myself.
Also of note is Writely which is a powerful online word-processing program. I haven't had a chance to play with it yet, but it looks as though it lets you store and organize documents online, collaborate with other users, and publish to your blog.
I was also excited to read this. Then I realized that the author had made the whole thing up.
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