'mouse has provided me with a couple of very interesting links. First is this one which explains how you can cook an egg using two cell phones and a radio. I'm a bit skeptical since nowhere in the article is there any kind of explanation for how this occurs. I'm not planning on trying it either for fear of damaging a couple of perfectly good cell phones. If true, this may be an even more extraordinary method of egg cooking than the one I discovered last month. I wonder if there are any medical applications. Perhaps a person afflicted with a brain tumor could put a cell phone up to each ear and melt it into oblivion.
The second link relates to my antique ham. Apparently there are even older canned goods in the world. Some British guy just ate a 50-year-old canned chicken. He and his wife received it as a wedding present whereupon he put it aside, promising to eat it on their fiftieth anniversary. He kept his promise. Interestingly, the article says nothing about whether or not he shared any with his wife. 'mouse thinks this fellow has me beat, but as I see it, he may have had a head start, but he's already dropped out of the race. Who's to say I won't eat my canned ham when it's 51 years old. Who knows? I may even eat it on my 51st wedding anniversary. (And I'm not even married yet!) I do have a bit of concern, though. Unlike the canned chicken, my ham can is a bit rusty (a result of being kept in an antique refrigerator for many years) and also bulges at the seams. Perhaps at some time in the distant future, I could just send it to Will and let him do the honors. (It's my understanding that if you send him a ham, then he will eat it. After all, he's already ingested far worse.
Thank you, 'mouse!