I really don't know what the future hold for this blog. I certainly don't find myself posting to it very frequently, but I definitely won't be taking it down any time soon. (I get a lot of hits on some of the older entries.) Certainly, updates are owed to my readers, so here goes.
- As listeners to the podcast already know, I'll be getting married in September and moving to Brazil. Probably, we'll be living in an apartment in this building (in case you want to check out the floor plan).
- Before leaving the country, I'll be attending both Inconjunction and DragonCon. If you happen to be going as well, let me know, and we can meet in person.
- I've been honored at the Podcast Pickle with the task of selecting the Featured Podcast of the day every day for four months. (That's 120 casts I have to find and write about!) You can see my selections on the main page.
- I'm gradually putting up thousands of photos (mostly old ones) on Flickr.
- You can also find me on twitter.
- My podcasts can be found here and here.
- Blog posts, podcast episodes, Flickr photos, and twitter entries all theoretically show up on my Jaiku page, your one-stop site for all things tvindy.