Lately I've been spending a lot of time on the game
GROW by Eyemaze, and since it can be very confusing when you are first learning it, I thought I'd share what I've figured out so far.
The big red ball is a planet. Your job is to develop the planet as fully as possible by dragging the twelve items on each side to the planet. Each item evolves through a number of stages. You want to get as many items as fully developed as possible. The more successful you are at this, the more fully developed the planet will be, and the more points you will receive.
The trick is to discover the best possible sequence for introducing the items. Some items take a long time to develop. Some depend on other items being introduced before or after or even in a certain order. With every decision there is a tradeoff, and I do not believe it is possible to ever fully develop everything. Compare the above image to the one below to see just how different the outcomes can be:
In order to explain some of the things I've learned, allow me to first give names to the objects. Starting with the left column going from top to bottom, we have the following: PIPE, COG, PROPELLOR, DISH, EGG, LADDER. And in the right column: CUBE, SPHERE, TV, WHIRLWIND, HILLS, NOZZLE.
Now try this opening sequence: PIPE-HILLS-COG-PROPELLOR
Did you see all the big white bubbles that came out of the pipe and stopped over the hills? Interesting, huh? This is important if you want to prevent the mountain from becoming a volcano. The moisture and shade from the bubbles prevent that from happening.
Okay, now hit the reset button (or play through to the end if you want), and try this sequence: PROPELLOR-PIPE-HILLS-COG-DISH
Uh oh! The bubbles got blown away, because the propellor had become too strong and blew them off course. If you want to bubbles over the mountain, be sure not to introduce the propellor to soon, so it will not have a chance to grow.
See, it's not just a matter of whether or not the bubbles reach the hills. You can also feed them to the whirlwind to give birth to an alien. This results in extra points, but the downside is that the propellor is destroyed and cannot be developed.
But the whirlwind does not have to destroy the propellor. If it is more fully-developed, it can hold its own. Try this: PROPELLOR-PIPE-WHIRLWIND-HILLS-SPHERE-COG
And the more fully-developed the propellor is when it merges with the whirlwind, the more bonus points you get. But you lose the bubbles (unless you can get them to the mountains beforehand, in which case you will not be able to fully develop the propellor), and you don't get to create an alien.
You can also lose the whirlwind: WHIRLWIND-PIPE-COG-DISH
Now let's explore some other things. Start a game with this sequence: CUBE-LADDER. These two items are intertwined, and both need to be introduced early in the game. When they are both given sufficient time to become fully developed, something amazing happens. (Unlike many of the other items, these will grow and develop with any subsequent item introduced.) Okay, now continue playing, introducing whatever you like. Once the cube and ladder are fully developed, the cube will turn into a suit of robot armor, and the ladder will have grown so tall that it enables a large anthropomorph composed of purple balloons to climb down and don the armor, resulting in big points. No matter what direction you decide to take the game in, I believe that this is always possible, so you should do it in every game. Furthermore, the cube and ladder do not have to come first, you will always be successful if the cube is your second item and the ladder your fifth.
Also, the TV can always be added last. Adding it any earlier will not have any advantage. The nozzle can always be added as the penultimate item. So however you are pursuing victory, you will never go wrong having the cube second, the ladder fifth, the nozzle eleventh, and the TV twelfth. You will also want to introduce the egg as soon as possible, as it is one of the late-blooming objects.
As far as I can determine, the highest possible score that can be achieved is 13500, and the result can be seen in the first image. Interestingly, to get this score, you have to sacrifice the development of the pipe. In this scenario, the bubbles are allowed to blow away and never help to develop the mountain or whirlwind. Below is the best winning sequence I know of. If anyone has found a better one (more points), please let me know.
- TV
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