A few items I consider newsworthy:
- Bakerina has finally done it! She's set up an online store at BakerinaKitchens.com. Finally it's possible to taste her creations and not just read about them. Go there and buy something to show your support. With any luck she'll soon be able to quite her day job. (But then where will she get her boxes?)
- Dr. Who will start airing on SciFi this Friday. This is the new series that the BBC released last year and has already completed its first season in the UK. I made a point to download all the episodes when they first aired, so I'm already a year into it. If you're a fan of the old series, you're sure to love this one as well. (The whole gay controversy thing just makes it better.)
- Tivo is ending their lifetime service option, possibly as early as tomorrow (March 15th). If you buy the cheapest Tivo box for $49 (after rebate) and the lifetime service for $299, you're only paying $348 for everything with nothing more to pay ever again. That's not a bad deal at all. I ordered mine yesterday. (Now I just have to get cable.)
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