I took the
IQ test on
Emode and was told that I have an IQ of 136. Here's what else I was told:
Like a meticulous collector, you've fed your brain a unique set of facts and figures over the years. Words, numbers, you've got it all. That's what makes you a Facts Curator.
Whether or not you intend to absorb every piece of information that comes your way, your mind has certain steel-trap qualities to it. You are a knowledge sponge. You have almost enough words in your head to fill a dictionary, and you're equally adept when it comes to manipulating numbers. You can also detect important patterns in number sequences, and probably remember the mnemonic devices you were taught in grade school.
You may feel comfortable in classroom settings where absorbing details is critical. You're also able to learn from example and piece together all the little facts in life to get to the big picture. That's why you never stop accumulating information as you walk through life.
Your strengths lie in both the verbal and math realms — placing you in the same arena as someone like Bill Gates. Gates has the ability to not only store and retrieve an especially large amount of specialized data, but to translate and present that information to the population at large. His entire empire is based on this unique talent. And to think — your brain works in this same way! When it comes right down to it, you and other Facts Curators can ride a wave of information to live a truly enriched life.
I'm not quite sure what to make of these results. On the one hand it's nice to be told I have a high IQ, but I'm not sure I like being compared to Bill Gates. Couldn't they have said I have the IQ of Gandhi? Now that would be an IQ to be proud of. I guess this must all be accurate since the certificate says "PhD Certified", and anyone with a PhD is infallible. It's interesting that they never say who has the PhD or what her area is.
To explore further, I took another Emode quiz to determine my ideal job, and then they told me I had to pay money for them to give me an answer. Apparently I should become an architect and, under no circumstances, become an underwriter (not that I even know what that is). Being an architect might be fun, but there are clearly many other jobs for which I am much more ideally suited.
Okay, let's try just one more test. How about the Santa's Little Helper Test which is supposed to tell me what presents I should ask for this Christmas. And the answer is . . . electronics??? I could have told you that. What a useless test!
Based on the results of the last couple of tests, I feel reasonably assured that I am probably nothing like Bill Gates, and my true IQ is probably more like 70 (assuming that there is any validity to IQ scores). So now I suppose I should give up on Emode entirely -- but only after I take the What's Your Cat's Type? quiz.
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