![The Human Jayne Hat The Human Jayne Hat](https://tvindy.typepad.com/tvindy_time/images/2008/09/14/jayne_hat.jpg)
I interview Beth Nelson and Larissa -- two people who attended this year's Dragon*Con.
- Dragon*Con
- Dragon*Con Parade -- filmed by me
- Doctor Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
- Doctor Horrible Live Dragon*Con Show
- Austin Browncoats -- Beth's organization
- Costumes:
- Naked Painted Lady Seen by Beth
- Tall Wookie
- Lego Wookie
- Zombies -- taken by me
- Headcrabs (the costume Larissa was most shocked by)
- Tree
- Female Doctor Horrible
- Human Jayne Hat Being Worn by Jayne
- Between the Lines Studios Photos at Dragon*Con
- Podcast Pickle Costume
- My Podcast Pin Collection
Podcasts Mentioned:
- Brazilianisms
- Buffy Between the Lines
- Future Traditions -- Larissa's Jericho Podcast
- comedy4cast
- The Signal
- Firefly Talk
- Slice of SciFi
- 7th Son Obsidian
- The ScapeCast
- Brain Science Podcast
- Sending a Wave
- Joss'd the Podcast
Thank you for mentioning the Brain Science Podcast. I am sponsoring a contest for videos to go with my new promos (60 second and 2 minutes).
Click here to for the details
Ginger Campbell, MD
Brain Science Podcast
Posted by: Ginger Campbell, MD | Monday, September 15, 2008 at 01:20 PM
Hi, Ginger. :)
Posted by: tvindy | Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at 04:04 AM
If you continue your research just about this post, I would probably purchase dissertation international at the dissertation service online.
Posted by: Joanok27 | Sunday, December 27, 2009 at 11:48 PM
That is quite flattering, but do you really believe the material presented in this episode could serve as the basis for someone's dissertation? In what academic area?
Posted by: Kinsey | Monday, December 28, 2009 at 12:13 AM
I love the costumes here, very creative. i only wear Halloween Costumes. maybe i should wear more times in the year. I like it ;)
Posted by: Sarah | Friday, May 06, 2011 at 10:27 AM
lucy is my crazy funny goofy neice that alyaws, alyaws greets me with a hug. it's still pretty cool when your grown neice will hug you in public! also gotta give her credit for exceeding a boundary nobody has ever done in my family- she is the only person on earth I ever let call my kids names without being upset by it. her first outburst was at my oldest son Bill, my firstborn precious son and her slightly older cousin. known as the athletic, macho all guy cousin you can imagine my surprise when i heard her call my one and only Billy, Bill-ogna . funny i didnt react except to laugh! i want you to know lucy girl that your macho cousin has worn his pretty bright pink bracelet every single day since he got it. at every ball game hes playing in and out of town, out to dinner, at work every day; he wears your bracelet and shares your story with everyone who is brave enough to ask. lol. Sweetheart, you are alyaws in our hearts and prayers. we love you Luce.
Posted by: Rafael | Thursday, August 16, 2012 at 11:20 PM
beautiful!!! quick question. you seowhd when you shot in the dark with 1/2 second shutter speed, you resulted freezing the movement. my understanding is that will never happen, especially when she is dancing like that. did i understand wrong? i tried but still blurry (handheld)
Posted by: Harry | Monday, October 29, 2012 at 04:25 PM